Zena Recreation Park
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Zena Recreation Park

Swim Across America Announcement!

July 11, 2019 8:42 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

WHAT: Please join us for the sixth annual Woodstock Zena Rec Pool Swim on Aug 25th. We invite swimmers of all ages and abilities to take part in this pool swim. Do this all while "Making Waves to Fight Cancer."

This pool swim is open to the public and anyone who wishes to participate.

WHEN: August 25th, 2019 from 8:00 AM - 11:45 AM
Rain or Shine

WHERE: Zena Recreation Park
714 Zena-Highwoods Rd
Woodstock, NY 12498

HOW TO JOIN: Click the register button in the middle of this page and get your own fundraising page to send out to your friends and family. All swimmers and volunteers must complete the waiver found here and bring to the event check-in. If you are under 18, please bring the waiver signed by a parent or guardian.


FUNDRAISING: We encourage swimmers to each raise at least $100. Many will raise more but if everyone raises $100, our swim could raise thousands to support cancer research, prevention and treatment.

FUNDRAISING INCENTIVES: Every swimmer who participates will receive a Swim Across America cap, bracelet and tattoos! Raise the amounts below and receive great SAA items for your efforts!

This year we are offering more prizes at more levels! Check out all the great incentive levels below, and see how much money you can help raise in the fight against cancer!

  • $100 - SAA T-Shirt.
  • $200 - SAA Sunglasses + $100 fundraising incentive.
  • $500 - SAA Towel + $200 fundraising incentives.
  • $1000 - $50 Amazon gift card + $500 fundraising incentives.

Footer Example

Zena Recreation Park, Inc. | 845-679-8098

Physical Address: 714 Zena Highwoods Road, Kingston, NY 12401

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 688, Woodstock, NY 12498

© 2024 Zena Recreation Park, Inc. All rights reserved.

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